March 28, 2024

 Day Two

It is raining outside again, but I am feeling slightly more motivated after at least having gotten started last night. It was humiliating how quickly my legs got tired from two sets of squats and lunges and they are still sore today. 

I started the day off right today and because it is raining I rode on the stationary bike for about 15 minutes. I wasn't trying to kill myself on it today, just to make sure I get moving. 
In a perfect world I will be cardio in the mornings and lifting or climbing after work most days. 

Went climbing with some friends today at the local Bouldering Gym. I injured my knee a couple of years ago so bouldering makes me nervous (always afraid of hurting my fragile knee again) but it felt good for this session. 

Today's Workout:

  • Stationary Bike: about 15 mins
  • Rock Climbing 
    • Bouldering - probably about 10-15 climbs
    • Mostly V2 and V3 attempts

Today's Condition:

  • Weight: 203lbs
  • Body Image: Terrible - but I feel slightly better just for having worked out once
  • Fitness Level: Just as Bad

Today's Steps:

  • 4,839 

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • Yes

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