April 1, 2024

 Day Six 

I did it, I made it one day without a soda!
I even ate a salad for lunch
Am I the healthiest man to have ever lived??

Today was a typical day at work, which means working home for me. I was able to wake up a little early and spend about 20 minutes on my stationary bike and I climbed in the evening. We went to the Triangle Rock Club in Durham and I climbed alright. Honestly, my arms were still a little sore from overdoing it at the bouldering gym last week. I sent a couple of 5.9's but nothing crazy last night. 

Today's Workout: 

  • Stationary Bike - about 20 mins at a low-moderate pace
  • Rock Climbing - about 6 climbs on the 60ft walls 

Today's Steps:

  •  7,789

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • No!

March 31, 2024

 Day Five

Today was our last day at the beach and it was mostly a rest day for me. 
We did do a fair amount of walking on the beach and I did some light running with Kalypso while we enjoyed the sun and surf. 

Today's Workout: 

  • Resting 
  • Short Sprints at the Beach 

Today's Steps:

  •  9,679

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • Yes

April 2, 2024

 Day 7  Unlike most Tuesdays, I did not have to go into the office in Raleigh today (which eats up about 2.5 hours of my day in the car comm...