April 2, 2024

 Day 7 

Unlike most Tuesdays, I did not have to go into the office in Raleigh today (which eats up about 2.5 hours of my day in the car commuting). It also means that I can be a little more active than I typically on a Tuesday. 

I did not have the energy to wake up early and work out today. I was up too late playing on my phone last night for no reason whatsoever. 

Slice of Life: 
Marilia and I are nesting and preparing for little baby Luna to join us. 

Today's Workout: 

  • Walks

Today's Steps:

  •  7000

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • No!

April 1, 2024

 Day Six 

I did it, I made it one day without a soda!
I even ate a salad for lunch
Am I the healthiest man to have ever lived??

Today was a typical day at work, which means working home for me. I was able to wake up a little early and spend about 20 minutes on my stationary bike and I climbed in the evening. We went to the Triangle Rock Club in Durham and I climbed alright. Honestly, my arms were still a little sore from overdoing it at the bouldering gym last week. I sent a couple of 5.9's but nothing crazy last night. 

Today's Workout: 

  • Stationary Bike - about 20 mins at a low-moderate pace
  • Rock Climbing - about 6 climbs on the 60ft walls 

Today's Steps:

  •  7,789

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • No!

March 31, 2024

 Day Five

Today was our last day at the beach and it was mostly a rest day for me. 
We did do a fair amount of walking on the beach and I did some light running with Kalypso while we enjoyed the sun and surf. 

Today's Workout: 

  • Resting 
  • Short Sprints at the Beach 

Today's Steps:

  •  9,679

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • Yes

March 30, 2024

 Day Four

We are still at the beach so my schedule is irregular and I am kind of on "vacation" at my Mom's house. Which can make squeezing in a workout a little tough. 
However, I did wake up today and run for about 1.5-2miles and we have been walking a lot. I felt proud that I went out and ran, but I immediately followed that up with biggest breakfast of all time... so yeah. 

I can't really weigh myself while I am at the beach, but I am also not super concerned about it while I am here. After many attempts at trying to lose weight quickly in the past I am more at peace with the fact that it will probably be a fair long/slow process for me. 

Today's Workout: 

  • Run/Jog - 15-20 minutes
    • Felt like a moderate pace, probably pretty slow 
  • Body Weight Work Out
    • Wide Grip Push-Ups - 2 sets of 15
    • Diamond Push-Ups - 2 sets of 10
    • Squats - 2 sets of 15
    • Lunges - 2 sets of 15
    • Crunches - 2 sets of 20
    • Leg Lifts - 2 sets of 15

Today's Steps:

  •  11,098

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • Yes

March 29, 2024

 Day Three

After climbing last night we drove about 3.5 hours to my Mom's house at the beach for her birthday. Which meant that we got here at like 1am and then talked to my parents until like 2am. 
Therefore I did not wake up early to do cardio today. 

However, I typically really enjoy running at the beach (I know it's technically not great for your feet, but whatever) at the very least I will walk with the dog a couple of times. 

Today's Workout: 

  • Body Weight Squats - 2 sets of 15
  • Wide Grip Push-Ups - 2 sets of 15
  • Calf Raises - 2 sets of 30 
  • Crunches - 2 sets of 20
  • Lunges - 2 sets of 15
  • Diamond Push-ups - 2 sets of 10
  • Leg Raises - 2 sets of 15

Today's Steps: 

  • 12,139

Did I Have a Soda Today: 

  • Yes

March 28, 2024

 Day Two

It is raining outside again, but I am feeling slightly more motivated after at least having gotten started last night. It was humiliating how quickly my legs got tired from two sets of squats and lunges and they are still sore today. 

I started the day off right today and because it is raining I rode on the stationary bike for about 15 minutes. I wasn't trying to kill myself on it today, just to make sure I get moving. 
In a perfect world I will be cardio in the mornings and lifting or climbing after work most days. 

Went climbing with some friends today at the local Bouldering Gym. I injured my knee a couple of years ago so bouldering makes me nervous (always afraid of hurting my fragile knee again) but it felt good for this session. 

Today's Workout:

  • Stationary Bike: about 15 mins
  • Rock Climbing 
    • Bouldering - probably about 10-15 climbs
    • Mostly V2 and V3 attempts

Today's Condition:

  • Weight: 203lbs
  • Body Image: Terrible - but I feel slightly better just for having worked out once
  • Fitness Level: Just as Bad

Today's Steps:

  • 4,839 

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • Yes

Week 1 - Pictures

 March 27, 2024

First day of this experiment 
I'm not looking great

Serious "Dad Bod" with that belly 

Weight: 203
Pants: 36
Shirt: Large

March 27, 2024

Day One

I have been putting off taking the actual plunge and starting this blog for a couple of weeks now. Which I wouldn't call a stellar start to this journey, but I am pulling the trigger today. 

It is raining in Mebane which is killing my motivation, however, we do have an extremely well equipped home gym in our garage (a luxury many people don't have!) so I don't have a real excuse for not working out. 

Today is literally my first day doing what I would consider to be working out in a least a couple of months.
I have been climbing about once a week and I walk Kalypso a few times a day, but other than that life has been far too sedintary. 

Today's Work Out:
  • Push-Ups: 2 sets of 15
  • Body Weight Squats: 2 sets of 15
  • Crunches: 2 sets of 25
  • Lunges: 2 sets of 20
  • Pull-Ups: 2 sets of 6
  • Calf Raises: 2 sets of 30

Today's Condition:

  • Weight: 203lbs
  • Body Image: Terrible
  • Fitness Level: Just as Bad

Today's Steps:

  • 4,883

Did I Have a Soda Today? 

  • Yes 

April 2, 2024

 Day 7  Unlike most Tuesdays, I did not have to go into the office in Raleigh today (which eats up about 2.5 hours of my day in the car comm...